
다중 웹서버를 사용할때 파일업로드

여러개의 웹 서버를 사용하고 있고 한 쪽서버에서 올린 파일을 다른 서버에 접속한 클라이언트도 다른 서버에서 올린파일을 쓰고 싶으면 어떻게 하나? 현재로 써는 마땅한 방법이 생각나지 않아서 DB에다가 파일을 집어넣는데... 다음과 같은 글이...제 경험…



I Start an English Diary

I'm very good at reading english, but very pool speaking. So, i will try to writing and speaking english again. English was very important in Korea FOR success. Of course in Japan! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.


若い時にはがむしゃらでいい。 叩かれて、踏まれて、雑草も強くなるもんだ –働きマンから…

Differentiate between pageContext.include and jsp:include?

The standard action and the pageContext.include() method are both used to include resources at runtime. However, the pageContext.include() method always flushes the output of the current page before including the other components, whereas …

PostgreSQL - Setting Row Range with LIMIT and OFFSET

When the LIMIT cluse is specified, no more than the requested number of rows will be returned (though there may be fewer if the result set is smaller than the passed parameter).When the OFFSET cluse is specified, it skips the number of row…


いつもWendy'sのegg muffinを食べる。 量も適当し、コーヒーも飲むから眠い朝を乗り越えられる(表現が変…汗)

Struts2 - blarblar

Just Because an action is model driven doesn't mean that all properties must be on the domain model


「メガネ」という映画 なんか…落ち着くんだなぁ。微妙な感じの映画ぜひ見て


それは、私の能力を認定されてくれる言葉だ。 (이렇게 쓰나? 표현이 이상하다…)今日team長と会議中に社長が入ってきた。仕様書にぼんやりしてる部分があって、それを説明してくれるに来ましたけど。説明が終わって、team長に“来年は人が何人必要ですか”と聞…