
Let's get started right away.

Jennifer : Let's get started right away. I've invited Rob and John of the Sales department to join us at our meeting today.Rob : If you don't mind, I'd like to add one more item to the agenda? PR suggestions John made.Jeniifer : It's alrea…

They're due to be delivered on Thursday, so we can have them installed by Thursday evening.

Rob : Have we air conditioners Purchasing ordered been delivered? Danielle : They're due to be delivered on Thursday, so we can have them installed by Thursday evening. Rob : I thought they were arriving today. Danielle : The company had m…

Maybe we could solve this problem more quickly by making a call to the technician.

John : I can't seem to fix this fax machine, even with manual in front of me. Ms. Brown : Let em take a look at it... Hmm.... John : You see anything? Ms. Brown : Maybe we could solve this problem quickly by making a call to the technician.

I'll be able to get some time off in september.

Rob : How are you doing Heidi? We haven't able to get together at all because of my schedule. Heidi : Well, I sure do missing haging out with you. Rob : I'll be alble to get some time off in september. Heidi : Oh, good.

You'll have have them sometime late in the day this Thursday.

John : Hey Danielle. Are the cabinets we ordered arriving soon? Danielle : Hold on, Let me check with the Purchaing Department.. Okey, they said you'll have them sometime late in the day this Thursday. John : Thanks. Danielle. Danielle : No…

The vision in my left eye is a little blurry.

John : Ms.Brown are you all right? Is there something in your eyes? I can get it out if you want. Ms.Brown : That's okey John. It's been like this whole day. The vision in my left eye is a little blurry. John : Perhaps, You'd better see an…